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Calling All Worshipers To

To exalt is to place at a high or powerful level. It is to hold in high regard, to elevate, to make prominent, grand, superior, or high. Magnify the LORD with us, and let’s exalt His name together because He is wonderful, holy, full of love and goodness, always ready to forgive and grant second or third chances (or a million!). The LORD gives us His own nature, success, good health, healing, wholeness, and prosperity and is always eager to ensure our victory and triumph. 

Today is the day to exalt the LORD because He is Worthy. 

Explore the word of God. Dig deep into the scriptures to learn more about our wonderful, holy, almighty God who loves us with everlasting love. What does the word say about the Heavenly Father? About Jesus Christ? About the Holy Spirit? We were made in the Father’s image.  In the book of 1 John 4:17, we find that “as He [Jesus Christ] is, so are we in this world.” 

Jesus invites us to fully explore the Kingdom of God. He says to us, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me . . .” So let’s do that.  Let’s explore the Word to discover who we are and learn everything possible about the One who is Worthy.

The writer of the Book of Hebrews says to “encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today . . .” In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, we read, “encourage one another and build one another up . . .” This is what a community of worshipers, a community of believers, does.  This is the essence of fellowship. 

As we worship, allow Him to fill us with His love and goodness.  Then let’s go out and encourage our brothers and sisters, in love, to worship Him who is Worthy.

From what we read in the books of Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Revelation, worshiping the LORD is a holy, joyful experience.  The heavenly host exalts, praises, adores, and worships Jesus round-the-clock. Let’s emulate heavenly worship as much as we can. Let’s give Him blessings, honor, glory, power, and praise. Because of His great goodness, He loves to reward worship with His glory and presence – the most humbling, powerful, and beautiful experiences we can ever have. Let’s exalt Him and encourage others and ourselves to explore Him and His Word.  Then let’s prepare to be transformed and experience the One who is Worthy, in all His glory!

"Some will argue that they aren’t the “worshiping” type. However, most people tend to worship something or someone, even if they aren’t aware of it."

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Seven Lessons to Transform Your Worship and You!

Worthy: To the One Who is Worthy is an easy-to-use scripture-based guidebook for individuals and groups to explore true worship in all its forms.

The book’s goal is for believers to exalt God as the One who is worthy of worship, commit to worshiping Him publicly and privately, and encourage other believers to worship.

Experience Worthy

Often, believers relegate worship to 10 minutes of singing during a church service. We may not fully embrace worship because it’s possible we don’t know who God really is. In lesson one, readers begin their exploration of the heavenly Father and His worthiness. Readers delve into the character of God, exploring His great love and goodness. Understanding these and other characteristics should deepen our love and relationship with Him and lead us to exalt Him in worship because He is worthy.

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Digging into the book of Exodus, readers explore the account of the children of Israel in Egypt. Discovering God’s demand that Pharoah let Israel go so they could worship Him, readers gain a glimpse into the heart of God and contemplate the great importance of worship to Him.

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Identity as Christians is central to believers. But what about identity as worshipers? Should worship be central to our identity? Lesson three examines Jesus’ interaction with a Samaritan woman at a local well but with a twist. Readers search the account to see that the woman’s forgiven past might not be the only revelation Jesus leaves the woman with.

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Throughout history, God has made His mandate clear that believers must put Him first. Yet, throughout history, we have intentionally or unintentionally sought other things to place first in our lives. Lesson four takes readers on a brief journey of idolatry, starting from the book of Exodus and ending with a synopsis of contemporary idolatry.

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Lesson five explores the scripture in which Jesus states the Father seeks those who worship in spirit and in truth. It focuses readers on developing a lifestyle that honors and worships God by first defining an authentic life of worship and then exploring a life-changing yet practical approach to worship.

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Using David’s life of worship as a powerfully eye-opening primer, readers are challenged to re-examine their own lives to cultivate intimacy with God through worship.

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Our earthly worship originates in heaven and should reflect heavenly worship as much as possible. This final lesson seeks to have readers exalt God by understanding worship through the richness of the various biblical terms used for worship and praise. Readers will consider how worship today can prepare us to worship God throughout eternity.

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